A Viranata in Bonifacio: a new event to promote biodiversity in Corsica

A Viranata is a new event dedicated to biodiversity in Corsica (and of course biodiversity in general). It is coming up this week in Bonifacio and is organized by the tourism office of the little town. On the program: visits, workshops, conferences, and walks around Bonifacio, in order to promote biodiversity in Corsica.

From march 24th to march 26th, visitors will have the opportunity to learn a lot about biodiversity. This thematic weekend is composed of eleven activities, mostly accessible to everybody, of all ages. Some animations will take place in town, while others will get people in the surroundings (the beach of Tonnara for instance).

Local guides, specialized teachers, and people from the associative sector are involved. They will discuss endemic plants, species like the butterfly “Shynx Moro”, agriculture, comestible plants, and more. There is even a workshop inviting visitors to take their camera and learn how to capture the beauty of nature. All this in one of the most beautiful places in Corsica. Sounds nice, right?

You can learn more about the first edition of the Viranata here. This link leads you to the full program of the event (in french). We do hope that the Viranata will encounter great success. It is a good thing that the event takes place in Bonifacio. It sends a signal of awareness in an area that defines the beauty of nature and the danger caused by mass tourism.

Information source and main image: Tourism office of Bonifacio

Guillaume Bereni

Guillaume is the owner and editor of Sustainable Corsica. He runs a consulting agency, named Mare è Monti Conseil, which aims to support companies in their project for more slow, cultural, conscious and sustainable tourism in Corsica. You can visit the website https://maremonticonsulting.fr. Happy husband, happy father of three energic children, traveling lover, curious by nature and a bit nerdy too (nobody is perfect).

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